8th Atlantic Workshop on Energy and Environmental Economics

21 y 22 de junio de 2018
8th Atlantic Workshop on Energy and Environmental Economics
The Atlantic Workshop on Energy and Environmental Economics (AWEEE) is a biennial scientific meeting, born in 2004, which is organized by Economics for Energy with the collaboration of CEPE (ETH Zurich) and the University of Münster (CAWM) and the support of ECOBAS. The workshop has become an important outlet for the discussion and debate on state-of-the-art research on energy and environmental issues, with a limited number of participants who come from all around the world. The AWEEE combines keynote lectures on specific topics by prestigious academics with the presentation of research by invited speakers and other participants, including a poster session, through an open call for papers.


21 June

Parallel session 1A  Energy efficiency (I)
Tobias Wekhof and Massimo Filippini
The effect of culture on energy efficient vehicle ownership
Timo Goeschl
Cold case. The forensic economics of energy efficiency labels for domestic refrigeration appliances
Matthieu Glachant, Pierre Fleckinger and Paul-H T. Kamga
Energy performance certificates and investments in building energy efficiency: a theoretical analysis
Nina Boogen, Julia Blasch, Claudio Daminato and Massimo Filippini
Empower the consumer! Energy-related financial literacy and its socio-economic determinants

Parallel session 1B  Energy and environmental policies (I)
Aleksadar Zaklan, Jan Abrell and Jean-Philippe Nicolai
Environmental policy and the competitiveness of product markets: the case of electricity
Toon Vandyck, Kimon Keramidas, Alban Kitous, Joseph V. Spadoro, Rita Van Dingenen, Mike Holland and Bert Saveyn
Air quality co-benefits of the Paris Agreement: two birds, one stone?
Mirjam Kosch and Sebastian Rausch
Using machine learning for policy evaluation: the impacts of the UK carbon tax.
Ashish Tyagi, Chiara Lo Prete and Cody Hall
California's cap-and trade program and emission leakage: an empirical analysis

Parallel session 2A  Energy efficiency (II)
Andreas Gerster, Mark Andoor and Lorenz Gotte
Disaggregated consumption feedback and energy conservation. Evidence from a randomized controlled trial
Martin Kesternich, Maksymilian Kochanski and Katarzyna Korczak
Engaging household in energy saving programs. Field evidence from a foot-in-the door approach with sequential goal-setting
Lang Ghislaine and Bruno Lanz
Energy efficiency,information and the acceptability of rent increases: a multiple price list experiment with tenants
María Loureiro and Xavier Labandeira
Fostering energy efficiency in fashion retailers: a field experiment

Parallel session 2B  Theoretical approaches
Stephane Bouche and Carlos de Miguel
Optimal fiscal policy when tastes are inherited and environmental quality matters
Jan Abrell, Sebastian Rausch and Clemens Streitberger
The economics of renewable energy support
Jean-Philippe Nicolai, Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet and Matthieu Glachant
The rationale for utility demand-side management, revisited
Oliver Schenker and Claudio Baccianti
Competitive pressure and emission-reducing innovation

Poster session
Karol Kempa and Christian Haas
Clean energy investment and credit rationing
Sonja Rinne
Radioactive: are nuclear power plant outages in France contagious to the German electricity price?
Clement Nouail
Optimal contractual organization in commodity industries
Anita Thonipara, Petrik Runst, Kilian Bizer and Christian Ochsner
Energy efficiency of residential buildings in the European Union. An exploratory analysis of cross-country consumption patterns
Paulino Martínez, Fernando de-Llano, Anxo Calvo and Isabel Soares
A CAPM Analogous multi-stage model for setting a path towards a  decarbonized power generation portfolio
Javier Palencia-González, Julio Navío-Marco and Gema Juberias
Analysis of the brand influence in the rockets and feather effect using disaggregated data
Jaume Freire-González and Mun Ho
The economic and environmental effects of an environmental fiscal reform in a dynamic CGE framework
José García-Quevedo, Ester Martínez-Ros and Kinga Tchorzewska
Taxation, tax incentives or public financing. How to successfully incentivize firms' green behavior?

Parallel session 3A  Energy efficiency (III)
Dorothee Charlier and Salome Bakaloglou
The role of individual preferences to explain the energy performance gap
Anna Risch and Dorothee Charlier
Energy efficiency and principal agent gap: conceptual framework and evidence to the landlord tenant problem
Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet, Anna Petronevich and Laurent Fauxcheux
How do lenders price energy-efficiency loans? Evidence from France
Amaia de Ayala, Sebastien Foudi, M. del Mar Soa, Elena López and Ibon Galarraga
A cross-sectoral analysis of the role of label information in consumer preferences for energy efficiency

Parallel session 3A  Energy demand and emissions
Jordi Teixidó, Jose M. Labeaga and Xavier Labandeira
Deep reforms in electricity pricing. Evidence from a natural experiment
Lutz Sager
Income inequality and carbon consumption. Evidence fron environmental Engler curves
Madeline Werthschulte and Andreas Löschel
Cost misperceptions and energy consumption
Daniel Engler, Elke D. Groh and Andreas Ziegler
The causal effect of religious and environmental edentity on green preferences. A combined priming and stated choice experiment

22 June

Invited papers
Sébastien Houde, Catherine Wolfram and Mary Zaki
Watt watchers and the seesaw of energy dieting. Evidence from low-income urban households  /Recording/  /Questions/
Katheline Schubert
Energy transition with variable and intermittent renewable electricity generation  /Recording/  /Questions/
Katherine Baylis
Does renewable generation promote local electricity access? Evidence from Indonesia /Recording/  /Questions/
Juan Pablo Montero
Efficiency and distributional implications of combining road pricing and drivig restrictions /Recording/  /Questions/
Katrin Rehdanz
How consumers trade-off supply security and green electricity. Evidence from German and Great Britain /Recording/  /Questions/

Keynote lectures
Christiane Baumeister
What drives oil price fluctuations? Revisiting the role of oil supply and demand shocks /Recording/  /Questions/
Don Fullerton
Interactions among circular economies  /Recording/  /Questions/

Parallel session 4A  Renewables and innovation
Marta Talevi
The evolution of spatial spillovers in the diffusion of domestic solar photovoltaic panels
Anant Sudarshan, Robin Burgess, Michael Greenstone and Nicholas Ryan
The demand for off-grid solar power. Evidence from rural India's surprisingly competitive retail power market
Mark Olsthoorn, Joachim Schleich, Katharina Wohlfarth and Marian Klobasa
How much load flexibility a euro can buy? Findings from a choice experiment with companies in the German commerce and services sector

Parallel session 4B  Energy and Environmental policies (II)
Hauke Ward, Jan-Christoph Steckel and Michael Jakob
Effect of a uniform global carbon price on industry competitiveness
Eiji Sawada and Ayumi Onuma
REDD and optimal carbon credits trading
Thomas Geissman, Massimo Filippini, Valerie Karplus and Da Zhang
A green Bargain? The impact of an energy saving program on productivity growth in China`s iron and steel Industry
Suchita Srinivasan and Massimo Filippini
Impact of religious participation, social interactions and globalisation on meat consumption and CO2 emisions. Evidence from India