10th Atlantic Workshop on Energy and Environmental Economics
A Toxa, Galicia (Spain)
20 and 21 June 2024
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9.00-9.15 Opening
Massimo Filippini (ETH and U. Svizzera Italiana), Xavier Labandeira (Economics for Energy, ECOBAS and U. Vigo), Andreas Löschel (Rühr U. Bochum)

9.15-11.00 Invited Papers 1
Chair: Xavier Labandeira
Wald, G., Glachant, M. (Mines Paris) 'The Effect of Energy Efficiency Obligations on Residential Energy Use: Empirical Evidence from France'
Bollinger, B., Gerarden, T., Gillingham, K. (Yale U.), Vollmer, D., Xu, D. 'Strategic Avoidance and Welfare Impacts of Solar Panel Tariffs'
Dietz, S. (LSE) 'Large Economic Benefits of Global Methane Action'
Bento, A. (U. Southern California) 'Why do Inefficient Policies Persist? Evidence from Price Freezes in Energy Markets'
Sato, M. (LSE) 'Supporting Solar: The Causal Impact of Subsidies on Domestic Photovoltaic Installations'

11.00-11.30 Coffee

11.30-13.30 Parallel sessions 1

Session A: Road Transport
Chair: Juan P. Montero (PUC Chile)
Arlt, M.L. (U. Bayreuth) 'The Role of Public Investment in Building Up an Electric Vehicle Charging Grid'
Bousquet, A. (U. Paris Saclay) 'Estimating Demand for Less Polluting Cars in the New and Used Car Markets'
Filippini, M., Kumar, N., Srinivasan, S. (ETH) 'The Impact of Personalised Information on the Efficiency of Vehicle Choices: Evidence from Nepal'
Radulescu, D. (U. Bern) 'Electric Vehicle Charging Behaviour and Price Elasticities of Charging: An Analysis Using Swiss Data'
Arto, I., Erkoreka, M., Pizarro, C., Urrutia, N. (U. Basque Country) 'The Fiscal Implications of Energy Transition in the Transport Sector: A Case Study of the Basque Country'
Berger, J., Marz, W. (IFO) 'Fuel Economy Standards and Public Transport'

Session B: Electricity and Transition
Chair: Pedro Linares (Economics for Energy and U.P. Comillas)
Davi-Arderius, D. (U. Barcelona), Jamasb, T., Rosellon, J. 'Renewable Integration: The Role of Market Conditions'
D'Agosti, N., Danza, F. (U. Edinburgh) 'The Impact of Solar Panel Installation on Electricity Consumption and Production'
Holt, C. (NYU) 'Electricity Market Design Under Uncertainty'
Khanna, S. (Imperial College), Martin, R., Muûls, M. 'Shifting Household Power Demand across Time: Incentives and Automation'
Wheatley, J., Ryan, L. (UC Dublin) 'Changing the Objective of Solar PV Policy'
Kiso, T. (U. Aberdeen) 'Targeting of Corrective Subsidies: A Ramsey Approach'

13.30-14.30 Lunch

14.30-15.30 Keynote Presentation 1
Chair: Massimo Filippini
Mirabelle Muûls (Imperial College) 'Regulatory Carbon Markets, Drivers of Decarbonisation? Their Impact on Firms? Decisions'

15.30-16.45 Roundtable with Editors of Energy and Environmental Journals
Chair Pedro Linares (Editor-in-chief Energy Journal)
Simon Dietz (Co-editor Journal of the AERE)
Andreas Löschel (Co-editor Resource and Energy Economics)
María L. Loureiro (Co-editor Environmental and Resource Economics)
Robert D. Metcalfe (Co-editor Journal of Public Economics)
Juan P. Montero (Associate editor JEEM, RAND Journal of Economics)
Anne Neumann (senior editor Energy Policy, Board member EEEP)

16.45-17.00 Break

17.00-18.15 Parallel Sessions 2

Session C: Global Environmental Problems
Chair: Lucas Bretschger (ETH and PSE)
Black, S. (IMF), Parry, I., Zhunussova, K. 'Is the Paris Agreement Working? A Stocktake of Global Climate Mitigation'
Pahle, M., Schwarz, A. (PIK), Ockenfels, A., Scharfbillig, M., Sommer, S. 'Assessing the Impact of Revealing International Climate Cooperation Shortcomings on Policy Attitudes'
Houde, S., Faure, C., Schleich, J. (Grenoble EM) 'The Moral Cost of Carbon'

Session D: Environmental Problems 
Chair: María L. Loureiro (ECOBAS and U. Santiago Compostela)
Bertoluci, V. (U. Santiago Compostela), Costa, L., Loureiro, M.L. 'Lithium rush: Property value and GIAHS sites'
Forteza, N. (Bank of Spain), Labeaga, J.M. 'Pollution, Density and Urban Access Regulations: European Evidence'
Hattemer, B., Moreno-Martinez, I. (EUI) 'Dust to Dust: Tracing Air Pollution's Impact on Work Accidents'
Tsuge, T., Onuma, A. (Keio U.) 'Uncovering Upstream Residents' Preferences for Flood Damage Reduction in Downstream Areas due to the Installation of a Retarding Basin'

20.30 Cocktail and Dinner at Gran Hotel La Toja

FRIDAY, 21 June

9.15- 10.30 Parallel Sessions 3

Session E: Climate and Energy Policies
Chair: Ibon Galarraga (BC3)
Santonja, A. (DIW), Teixidó, J., Zaklan, A. 'Carbon Cost Pass-Through in European Aviation'
De Bevere, A. (U.C. Louvain) 'The Horizontal Distributional Impacts of Carbon Pricing and Revenue Recycling Policies: A Microsimulation Study for Belgium'
Wald, G. (Mines Paris), Cohen, F., Kahn, V. 'Making Jobs out of the Energy Transition: Evidence from the French Energy Efficiency Obligations Scheme'
Aubouin, M., Melindi-Ghidi, P., Nicolaï, J.P. (Grenoble INP) 'Regulating the Environmental Footprint of Data Consumption: Efficiency and Distributional Effects of Taxation and Quotas'

Session F: Innovation and Climate Mitigation
Chair: José M. Labeaga (UNED)
Martínez-Ros, E. (U. Carlos III), García-Quevedo, J., del Río, P. 'Job Types and Eco-innovation Technologies: How are they Related?'
Pacelli, A. (Tolouse S.E.) 'Emissions Abatement and the EU ETS: Testing the Porter Hypothesis'
Hoffmann, C., Srinivas, S. (BTU), Gangadhar, B., Musgens, F. 'Smells like Green Energy. Quasi-Experimental Evidence on the Impact of Bioenergy Production on Residential Property Values'
Fanghella, V. (Grenoble EM), Schleich, J. 'The Interplay between Prior Beliefs and Comparative Feedback on Mitigation Efforts'

10.30-11.30 Keynote Presentation 2
Chair: Xavier Labandeira
Robert D. Metcalfe (U. Southern California) 'A Welfare Analysis of Policies Impacting Climate Change'

11.30-12.00 Coffee

12.00-13.30 Roundtable on Climate Policies
Chair: Xavier Labandeira
Lucas Bretschger (ETH and PSE)
Simon Black (IMF)
Anne Neumann (NTNU)
Soledad Núñez (Bank of Spain)
Beatriz Yordi (European Commission)
Zhang Xiliang (Tsinghua U.)

13.30-14.30 Lunch

14.30-16.15 Invited Papers 2
Chair: Andreas Löschel
Gerlagh, R., Liski, M. (Aalto U.), Vehvilainen, I. 'Rational Rationing: A Price-control Mechanism for a Sticky Demand'
Fabra, N., Imelda, Montero, J.P. (PUC Chile) 'Designing Low Emission Zones: The Role of Transition Technologies'
Rozendaal, R., Vollebergh, H. (Tilburg U.) 'Policy-induced Innovation in Clean Technologies: Evidence from the Car Market'
Houde, S. (HEC Lausanne) 'Fireside Intentions and Decisions to Move'
Hanemann, M., Labandeira, X., Labeaga, J.M. (UNED) 'The Price Responsiveness of Residential Energy Demand for Home Heating

16.15-16.30 Break

16.30-18.45 "Friends of A Toxa" Session (hybrid)
Chairs: Massimo Filippini, Xavier Labandeira, Andreas Löschel
Lucas Bretschger (ETH and PSE)
A. Denny Ellerman (MIT)
Michael Hanemann (Arizona State U.)
María L. Loureiro (ECOBAS and U. Santiago Compostela)
Juan P. Montero (PUC Chile)
Simone Borghesi (online, EUI and U. Siena)
Dallas Burtraw (online, RFF)
Carlo Carraro (online, U. Ca Foscari)
Ottmar Edenhofer (online, PIK and MCC)
Larry Goulder (online, Stanford U.)
Karen Palmer (online, RFF)
Mar Reguant (online, IAE and Northwestern U.)
Richard Schmalensee (online, MIT)
Sjak Smulders (online, Tilburg U.)
Rick van der Ploeg (online, U. Oxford)

18.45-19.00 Closing: 20 years of AWEEE
Xavier Labandeira, Manuel J. Reigosa (President, U. Vigo)

20.30 Farewell Cocktail at Fundación Manolo Paz (Cambados)